He Says…

The side piece has been the punchline for jokes and silly online memes lately. But we have to try to look a little deeper into the mind and heart of this type of person. The side piece itself is an illusion wrapped in false perceptions of love or gain. They are too emotionally unavailable to commit, but emotionally empty enough to desire a concept of love, even if it is perceived to be false. I consider the side piece to be a tragic figure, not one to be laughed at, but somewhat pitied.

Don’t get it twisted though, I still hold them completely accountable for their actions. They are still consciously entering into a relationship (whether sexual, economic, or emotional) with a person they are aware is married or “committed” to someone else. There is a deep emptiness in play for one to subject themselves to be used at the disposal of another person. The illusion of the whole lifestyle has the side piece thinking they are in control, when in fact it is the cheating man or woman completely dominating all terms and conditions.

The side piece believes they are or will be the main course but will always be the side dish or appetizer. The key to abandoning this lifestyle is to value yourself above all and making yourself emotionally available to receive love. In spite of the hurt from the past, making oneself available emotionally is key to jumping ship from a manipulative partner to one where they are truly valuable. Once they figure this out, the joke won’t be on them anymore.

She Says…

Being  the side piece will leave your self esteem looking  like Reese’s Pieces

Side Piece…Does one really set out to be the chick on the side? Nope, not at all but when you can’t seem to get what you feel you rightfully deserve often clouds judgement.

A female knows exactly what she wants…She wants him attractive, employed, motivated, caring, attentive and responsible but what happens is her ideal possess these characteristics BUT he doesn’t want a commitment so instead of accepting his choice, she thinks she can “change” him.

She begins to do everything that a wife would without the ring with the hopes he will “see” just what a wonderful catch she is and will eventually change his mind, but what ends up happening is that he gets the milk for free and the female grows tired and begins to hate the person she once thought she could spend forever with.

Everything isn’t for everybody.